
I'm sure you've already heard it: content drives pipeline, creates solid leads, increases ACV, grows your brand, and in general boosts all of your favourite marketing metrics.

And that's what I did in the last 10+ years as a Content Marketer/Creative Strategist: I produced, crafted, and created every type of content that resonates with the audience and has a measurable impact on business. For campaigns, out-of-home (OOH) ads, B2B videos, keynotes, podcasts, events, and digital.

In-house at tech company Qualtrics, on the agency side for brands like Swisscom, Siemens, and Telekom.

Check out some of my favourites below and ping me to learn more.

40+ highly personalised account-based marketing mircosites

Crafting specific value propositions and messaging - and designing the sites.

This included a structure to scale production for future iterations of the sites.

Leading content for events across EMEA

Event series for Amsterdam, Munich, Cologne, London, and Dubai: Content creation included promotional material (emails and digital), event key visuals, keynote presentations, and post-event communication.

Project covered speaker liaison and stage direction during the live events.

Heidelberger B2B use case video

Heading the content: From idea, to script, to production.

The video tells the  story of how and why Heidelberger strives to understand its customers better and better.


Copywriting standards to transcreate a brand

The idea: To make sure the brand speaks the language of the region, it needs a little more than just a translation but a true transcreation for tone of voice, values, benefits, etc.

That why  the copywriting standards provided direction for agencies, freelancers, and in-house.


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