I'm sure you've already heard it: content drives pipeline, creates solid leads, increases ACV, grows your brand, and in general boosts all of your favourite marketing metrics.
And that's what I did in the last 10+ years as a Content Marketer/Creative Strategist: I produced, crafted, and created every type of content that resonates with the audience and has a measurable impact on business. For campaigns, out-of-home (OOH) ads, B2B videos, keynotes, podcasts, events, and digital.
In-house at tech company Qualtrics, on the agency side for brands like Swisscom, Siemens, and Telekom.
Check out some of my favourites below and ping me to learn more.
Crafting specific value propositions and messaging - and designing the sites.
This included a structure to scale production for future iterations of the sites.
Event series for Amsterdam, Munich, Cologne, London, and Dubai: Content creation included promotional material (emails and digital), event key visuals, keynote presentations, and post-event communication.
Project covered speaker liaison and stage direction during the live events.
Heading the content: From idea, to script, to production.
The video tells the story of how and why Heidelberger strives to understand its customers better and better.
The idea: To make sure the brand speaks the language of the region, it needs a little more than just a translation but a true transcreation for tone of voice, values, benefits, etc.
That why the copywriting standards provided direction for agencies, freelancers, and in-house.
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